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Our Vision
 Our Vision
 To be the best organization in thrift and benevolent services to government officers in Sri Lanka.

Our Mission

To fulfill all financial and other requirements of the members by utilizing the latest technology for an efficient and speedy service oriented work ethic so that it would uplift the living standards and bring prosperity to them and also enhance the productivity of the Association and maximizing profitability and economic viability which would ultimately meet the goals and fulfill the Objectives of the Association.

Objectives and Goals

To promote thrift among members.
To provide relief at times of distress.
To aid members at times of pecuniary (Financial) difficulties.
To assist members in the education of their children by granting scholarships and loans.
To grant financial assistance at matrimonial activities of member and /or children.
To be of assistance at times of bereavement in the family
To fulfill the dream of purchasing a property and building a house of their own by granting House and Property loans on easy repayment terms.
To update members in the latest information technology and knowledge by providing facilities to obtain latest technological equipment.
To provide medical assistance at times of serious illness/surgery.
To grant benefits to members at retirement.
To make provision for spouses and legitimate children.

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